


当涉及到运输和储存的商业食品包装, 墨菲是安全领域公认的领导者, 安全, 和可靠的商业食品包装物流. 

In food logistics, different products must be stored at different temperatures. Commercial food packaging plays a big part in the success of your food logistics, as storing a product at the incorrect temperature can quickly result in waste, and the packaging that protects that food while in storage plays a big part in the effect the temperature has on the product.

The majority of perishable foods must be stored at or below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. 尽管32华氏度是官方的“冰点”温度, 食物在0到32华氏度之间变质得更快, hence the majority of frozen food items need to be maintained at a temperature of around 0 degrees.

Knowing the distance of your shipment will help you make sure you include enough insulation and cooling systems to keep it cool and fresh throughout the journey.

Your commercial food packaging needs to be sturdy enough to safeguard the goods over a protracted delivery voyage. 另外, it must follow tight guidelines for food safety and hygiene. 另外, you need to have enticing packaging that gives people a reason to trust your brand.


There are many options for a food manufacturer to use when deciding on packaging. 正确的包装形式取决于所储存的是什么, 还要考虑运输和交货的问题. 一些最常见和推荐的食品包装类型包括;


一种流行的食品包装形式是盒子. They are more durable since they might be composed of metal, wood, or corrugated fiberboard. The most commonly used boxes for the shipment of food are corrugated boxes.

这些集装箱以坚固的结构而著称, 这使食品的运输充满信心. The food is also kept fresh and sealed in corrugated boxes, reducing the chance of spoilage. The best part about this form of packaging is that you can create a variety of 风格 and it is adaptable.

盒子 are popular due to their capacity to shield against foodborne germs. Extreme heat is used during the manufacture of corrugated boxes to fuse the components together. Most bacteria cannot tolerate this kind of heat, which can reach temperatures above 180°F. There is seldom any bacteria remaining in the corrugated fibers when food is placed in corrugated cartons. These 容器 are thus hygienic, 安全, and trustworthy for food storage.


因为它的品质包括可回收性, 重用, 中性反应性, 玻璃常被用作商业食品的包装材料. Glass prevents contamination and allows for long-term food and beverage preservation. 例如,啤酒被保存在深色的玻璃瓶里. 玻璃罐, 盖子, 容器, 瓶子有各种各样的大小, 风格, 和颜色以适应不同的需要. 

食物, drinks, chemicals, medications, cosmetics, and other products are frequently packaged in glass. 玻璃安瓿瓶, 玻璃瓶, 玻璃盖, and glass stoppers are product segments that make up the worldwide glass packaging market. 食品的应用包括湿式食品包装, 干燥食品包装, 酒精和非酒精饮料的包装, 特色食品包装.


PETE is the same polyethylene that is used to create stiff bottles from foil pouches. The letters PET or PETE are printed on the bottom of bottles next to the recycle symbol. This kind of container has high oxygen barrier properties and can be used to store dry bulk goods with oxygen absorbers. The sealed 容器’ low oxygen concentration helps maintain product quality by preventing insect infestation and safeguarding the stored food from vermin attack. These 容器 offer several years of storage capacity while being well-suited for products that are rotated often.


聚苯乙烯被用来制造各种各样的消费品, 包括冷热饮料杯和餐厅包装. 它被广泛应用于清洁至关重要的环境中. 苯乙烯, 这在草莓等食物中也会自然发生, 肉桂, 和咖啡, 串在一起(聚合)产生聚苯乙烯.

Available in two different forms—rigid and foam—polystyrene is frequently used in food packaging. Clear plates, bowls, drink cups, straws, cutlery, and food 容器 are all made in the hard shape. 对板块, 隔热杯和碗, 翻盖式食品容器, 和托盘, 泡沫形式-有时指的是它的品牌名称, Styrofoam-is雇佣. Foam is also used to package goods for shipping, such as in packing peanuts.


Pouches made of foil laminate and polyethylene terephthalate (PET or PETE) are excellent food 容器. The foil layer significantly lowers the amount of oxygen and moisture that pass through the film. 一个经常被用作通用名称的品牌名称是Mylar.

Because of its greater recyclability and special qualities for product brands over other materials like plastics and glass, 铝是食品包装的普遍选择. It is infinitely recyclable compared to plastic and paper while being lighter and studier than glass. 人类已知的最具延展性和适应性的物质之一, 它很容易成型, 稳定的, 耐有机酸, 也是电和热的良导体. 另外, 它是地壳中最普遍的元素之一, 使其广泛使用.

Even without maintenance, aluminum packaging can last a very long time in good condition. 它的抗腐蚀性能也延长了它的使用寿命. This makes aluminum the perfect material for food packaging since it will keep a product safe throughout its shelf life without running the risk of deteriorating, which would damage the barrier between the product and external environmental forces.


The carrier you choose has a big impact on how affordable and trustworthy your shipping experience is. You also need to think about the policies and guidelines the carrier has for the transportation of food items.

墨菲 assists our customers in the food and beverage industry every day by resolving supply and logistics challenges. We are able to design distribution networks that go above and beyond what our clients expect. You will benefit from getting a fresher product delivered because we cut down on mileage and time.

Create your custom food and beverage logistics plan with our team and rest easy knowing you’ve partnered with the best. Our understanding of commercial food packaging storage and transportation allows you to have the packaging you need on time.



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